Mort's rather basic Homepage

keeping the faith through art

Welcome to my brand-new, newly-obliterated site for Mort Magazine...

the photo at left was taken mid-ajunary at the site for my new project. It is the newly created Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, just north of the St. Louis City limits. I'm working with my friend Catharine Magel on this project, which will reault in 38 mosaic panels set into concrete forms in 9 outdoor "exploration centers." Our installation deadline is April 7th, 2004 and our client is the Missouri Department of Conservation.



This website will be in development for a while. Simple, no frills, but easier than sending out jpegs via email.
guaranteed to VERY SOON become more informative!
MORT MAGAZINE continuing the legacy.......

Hold onto your hats, and hold your horses. visit often, maybe you will even see yourself in here!!!
news, weather and sports! PLUS medical breakthroughs and glimpses of reality, all combined into one cute little homepage.
scroll left, scroll right, scroll up and down. Knock yourself out~ that's what Mort Magazine is all about.


to contact Mort click here

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page
tons of old photos, new photos, music and videos. art projects, live webcam? it's a possibility the child ( me in Florissant Missouri, note the house under construction behind me which became "the Meyer's" house) on your right never even dreamed of, till now when I grew up. I guess I grew up but I still see the world as upside down sometimes.